Make Up For Ever: Part 1 / by Erin Baynham

Hey girlies,

I have such a treat for you! I am working on a MONSTER story for you from the fabulous Make Up For Ever. It's a makeup powerhouse, and it needs the recognition that it deserves. I want to prep you all for the story, which includes a step-by-step guide to the hottest Fall look, and plenty of your favorite beauty questions answered! I absolutely can't wait to post it.

To prep you for the big story, here's a tutorial on Make Up For Ever foundation by Sephora. This is a great way to learn how to do foundation, especially by MUFE's standards. At the boutique a few days ago, I found some new favorites. All Mat is an amazing gel that keeps shine away all day. TRUST ME. I applied it around 10am, walked around Harlem for 3 hours in the hot sweltering heat, then back out to Chelsea for a comedy show with my roommate. It's 2am and I still have not a speck of visible oil on my face. This is the one!!!

There is a really interesting page with all of the tips and tricks of the brand. It highlights the products that makeup artists swear by and what you need in your personal collection. I love it because they have created products to help with the requests that we have all asked for! You know, long lasting shadows, lipstick that doesn't fade after 20 minutes, face powder that is non-cakey, etc. I already have the Eye Seal, Mist &Fix and Matte Lip on my To-Check-Out-At-Sephora list.

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